Isotropix released Clarisse 3.0 – a new breed of high-end 2D/3D animation software which is the fusion of an animation package, a compositing software and a 3D rendering engine. It is specialized in the creation of and assembly of immense environments, look development, lighting and rendering.


Main characteristics:

  • Unified workflow to interact with the final image.
  • Artist-friendly integrated set of tools and customizable user interface.
  • Fast, reliable and predictable state of the art built-in CPU rendering engine.
  • Modern massively parallel and memory efficient procedural evaluation engine that lets you break the polygon barrier.
  • Powerful pipeline oriented architecture and features with full Python scripting capabilities.


New features:

  • All new physically based rendering engine
  • New physical lights, materials and volumes
  • New layered and composite materials
  • New multi-sample deformation and transformation motion blur
  • Rendering speed optimizations such as up to twice as fast to render volumes
  • Displacements support in Shading Layers
  • New Open Shading Language (OSL) texture pattern generation
  • New master input and texture bypass support
  • New texture coordinate space modes and alternate position support
  • New set of textures and math operators

Learn more on Isotropix website