Recently the people from Blender released the last version of this 3D free source software. With some interesting new adds and bug fixes. Some of the most interesting improvements are regarding his powerful Cycles render engine, who now is able to do a Basic Volume Rendering, an (experimentally) Subsurface Scattering and Correlated Multi Jitter sampling too. Several improvements also about Volume rendering, Shading and general performance. Anamorphic bokeh can now be simulated with the aperture ratio settings. Other improvements in nodes, baking and an updated OSL. A Quick Smoke node setup is now available. A new interface, with a pie menu is a menu whose items are spread radially around the mouse, that pro mess to become quite handful on our workflow.


You can read the full list on Blenders webside  http://www.blender.org/features/2-72/ You can download it from the source: download