OctaneRender for Unity
Unity engine developers announced their partnership with OTOY and presented OctaneRender for Unity Editor.
Quixel Suite 2.3.2
Developers of Quixel Suite have announced the release of 2.3.2 update for the software.
V-Ray Benchmark
Chaos Group recently released version 1.0.7 of V-Ray Benchmark, a free stand-alone application for testing hardware rendering speed.
NVIDIA Mental Ray discontinued
Starting from 20 November 2017 NVIDIA will no longer offer new subscriptions to the Mental Ray plugins for Maya and 3ds Max, as well as Mental Ray Standalone.
Blender 2.8
Future presented Blender 2.8 with updated viewport, new Grease Pencil and other new functionalities.
Magicplan by Sensopia
Sensopia announced magicplan 6.0. This floor plan creation app lets to create dimensioned floor plans without actively measuring or drawing. With its Augmented Reality technology you just have to capture the corners of a room to get your plan.
Cineware for Illustrator
MAXON has partnered with Turbosquid and released free Cineware for Illustrator plug-in that allows to add and edit 3D objects directly within Adobe Illustrator CC 2017, to apply labels to 3D packaging or incorporate 3D elements seamlessly into 2D artwork.
Adobe Dimension CC
Adobe has launched Dimension CC that was in beta since last year by the name of Project Felix and allows to design directly in 3D and later export scenes as layers to Photoshop.
Google Poly
Google has presented a new initiative to popularize VR and AR creation - Poly, a library of low-poly 3D objects and scenes optimized for apps.
Corona Renderer 1.7
After becoming a part of Chaos Group, Corona Renderer team released version 1.7 of their rendering engine focused on speed boost and better materials and shading.
Pico Goblin all-in-one VR headset
This August Pico Interactive released an innovative all-in-one virtual reality headset, Pico Goblin. Initially, it was on sale on the USA and China markets and recently became available for the European users as well. We had an opportunity to test and to work with the Pico dev-kit and it's impressive.