animago Award nominees 2017

An independent jury of experts announced the final 33 nominees for the animago’s eleven categories.

Unity 2017

Unity Technologies has demonstrated a preview of long awaited Unity 2017 at Unite Europe 2017 in Amsterdam.

V-Ray 3.6 for 3ds Max

Chaos Group has recently presented a new release V-Ray for 3DS Max 2018.

ZBrush 4R8

Pixologic released an updated version of digital sculpting software ZBrush

3ds Max Interactive

Autodesk has introduced virtual reality engine 3ds Max Interactive in 3ds Max 2018.1 Update


Next Limit has presented Maxwell Render 4.1 with a lot of new features and a new addition to Maxwell’s catalog of ies files included in the installation; provided by Real IES.

Realflow 10.1

Next Limit has released in May RealFlow 10.1 with workflow enhancements, brand new materials for our Dyverso Multi-physics solver, improved stability and various bug fixes.

Corona Renderer 1.6

End of April Corona Renderer 1.6 for Autodesk 3ds Max was released.

Meshmixer 3.2 by Autodesk

Autodesk Research announce a release of Meshmixer 3.2 - a free software for Windows and Mac OS for working with triangle meshes.

thinkingParticles version 6

Cebas Visual Technology Inc. announced the release of thinkingParticles version 6 Subscription Drop 5 with new workflow and production tools.

What’s new in Autodesk 3ds Max 2018?

Autodesk has released 3dsMax 2018 from the mid-april with modeling, animation, rendering and workflow updates

Substance Source Textile Collection

Substance Source hit 1000 materials on by adding 150 scan-based materials to their Textile Collection.