Bona Studio

In every new work we do, we try to evolve in quality, organization and optimization. We are in a great moment, beginning to act in new places, with new customers and increasing staff.

Fernando Gasperin

I started in the 3D field about 5 years ago. After working with several good companies I had a chance to create my own called Blackhaus that is a group of artists for the creation of high end digital sets.

Alberth Costa

The beginning is always very difficult, and we must persist to achieve a target in the market, that is very competitive searching market professionals with high quality. This is why one has to to be qualifying every day.

DPI Studio – Bruno Lima

3d, render, Bruno Lima, Dpi Studio, interior exterior, 3ds max, vray
My name is Bruno Lima, I am 30 years old and I’m Brazilian. Luiz Andrade and I are partners at DPI Studio. We started to produce still images at the architecture and urbanism course in the university in 2002.