Alexander Beim

Alexander Beim / LotusArt on 3D Architettura
As media partners of animago Award - an internationally renowned competition for 3D animation and still, visual effects, visualization and VR/AR/360° - we are happy to present you the winner of the Best Still category this year, CG artist Alexander Beim from Germany. In our exclusive interview, we speak about behind the scenes of his winning project, Albert Einstein, and about his approach to computer visualizations and animations in general.


To be honest, although I love architecture and still appreciate outstanding artworks in the traditional architecture rendering area, I focus on creating videogame art at the moment. Job wise, as already mentioned before, I work full time in the games industry for the german company Crytek, which is popular for its Crysis games and its first released title Far Cry.

Jan K. Vollmer

The light is in my opinion one of the most important things in the field of 3D. You have to think like a photographer to catch the right moment for that kind of visuals. You could be the greatest modeler on earth, but if you are not able to set the model in a nice light it would not work!

Andre Serpa

I was tired of doing scale models and I didn’t fit the type of architecture I was doing so I needed something that allowed me to visualize complex shapes in a faster and more creative way and that’s when i started using 3D as design tool.