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“Virtual Cities” atlas is published

Virtual Cities: An Atlas & Exploration of Video Game Cities - Konstantinos Dimopoulos/Maria Kallikaki

Today, November 12th,  is finally launching a book that we have awaited since 2018. "Virtual Cities" by game urbanist Konstantinos Dimopoulos offers an atlas and exploration of Video Game Cities.

Yuriy Dulich

As media partners of animago Award – an internationally renowned competition for 3D animation and still, visual effects, visualization and VR/AR/360° – we are happy to present you the winner of the Best Still category this year, character artist Yuriy Dulich from Ukraine. In our exclusive interview, we speak about behind the scenes of his winning project, Subarctic Great Horned Owl: look into the depths, and about his approach to CGI visualizations in general.

Alexander Beim

Alexander Beim / LotusArt on 3D Architettura

As media partners of animago Award - an internationally renowned competition for 3D animation and still, visual effects, visualization and VR/AR/360° - we are happy to present you the winner of the Best Still category this year, CG artist Alexander Beim from Germany. In our exclusive interview, we speak about behind the scenes of his winning project, Albert Einstein, and about his approach to computer visualizations and animations in general.

Konstantinos Dimopoulos about Virtual Architecture and Urbanism

Virtual Cities: An Atlas & Exploration of Video Game Cities - Konstantinos Dimopoulos/Maria Kallikaki

Game urbanist Konstantinos Dimopoulos from Athens, Greece, is working on an ambitious project - Virtual Cities: An Atlas & Exploration of Video Game Cities - a 200 pages book rich with maps, illustrations and analysis of cities in video games. We invited Konstantinos to speak about virtual cities, real architecture, art, science and current trends of the digital world.

Behind the scenes of animago Award

Entrance of animago 2016

Less than two weeks remain till the new edition of animago Award in the beginning of September. While we all are waiting to find out the names of the winners of this year, 3D Architettura decided to look a little bit backward and to speak with Günter Hagedorn, Jury Chairman and animago AWARD Management, about the long way that animago has made during the last 20 years and to learn about behind the scenes of this famous CGI competition.

Portugal: best CG and ArchViz artists

Here comes the second part of our new series of articles devoted to the artists interviewed on 3D Architettura during the previous years.  Let's see together new projects of the best CG and ArchViz artists from Portugal chosen by 3D Architettura editorial team.

Brazil: best ArchViz and CG artists

This summer when all the eyes are set on Brazil for the Olympics we decided to start exactly with this country our  new series of stories.  Our editors are always following the artists who were interviewed on 3D Architettura and became a part of our community. In this overview we would like to show you some new projects created by the artists from Brazil and to remind you their interviews that were published on 3D Architettura.



3D Architettura invited Juan Cañada, Head of Maxwell Render, to speak about the past and the future of Maxwell Render and to unveil behind the scenes of this famous render engine.


All secrets of creating a realtime architectural walkthrough in the exclusive interview with CG generalist and level designer Benoît Dereau


All secrets of Corona Renderer in exclusive interview with the founders - meet Ondřej Karlík, Adam Hotový and Jaroslav Křivánek


unreal engine vs unity engine

With this post we would like to start a discussion about the use of realtime "videogame" technologies for architectural animations created with Unity or Unreal Engine.


3D Architettura team is working on delivering to you information in different formats. That's why besides traditional interviews and analytical features we have this Video section. Here you can see all the videos done by our team, covering various subjects.