Name: Alexander Tarasov
Country: Russia
Age: 28
Job: Designer 3d visualizer
3da: Why have you decided to work in 3d-field and when have you started?
AT: I always liked movies with huge special effects, drawings, with characters and objects that exist only in imagination. That’s how I got my initial interest in 3d animation – wanted to try to create something by my own, something interesting, something extraordinary and emerge deeply in this field. Then I saw a cd with tutorials on 3ds max, so I slowly started learning this software. During my university studies, unfortunately, there was nothing about graphic programms, neither about 3d modelling, that’s why I studied 3dsmax by myself, trying, making mistakes, using all the books and video-lesson that were available that time.
3da: Describe to our readers your usual workflow
AT: Usually I start with clear understanding of the brief, I analyse all the drawings, references, learn all the details that I can find during this stage of work. Then the process of modelling and creating of 3d scene begins. I always use 3ds max, V-Ray, Photoshop. I use some scripts for making work faster, I have my “pool” that I need every day.
3da: What was most difficult for you when you just started working in 3D? And what is now?
AT: The most difficult was the moment when I reached the limit of my abilities, my knowledge and my experience. It’s difficult to find a new direction, when you already saw hundreds of lessons and read dozens of books. In this moment you need to search for what you need, trying and making mistakes. This is a great motivation for those who want to grow, to move on, to reach a new level in this field. Now I find difficult – studying animation, because my wish to work in this field, to create unusual objects and imaginary environment did not disappear, but became even stronger.
3da: Looking back on your education process what you would have changed now? And what you consider right and would do exactly the same?
AT: Looking back, I wish I treated my studies more seriously, because only now i understand how important they were. As far as a choice of 3d in general is concerned, I never had any doubts about it – there is many work in this field, from interior visualizations to full-time animation movies.
3da: Which was the biggest problem that you faced working on a project and how have you solved it?
AT: Probably the most difficult is always the question of time and time management. Working on every project you have a wish to bring something that reflects your personality, even a small detail, and it’s difficult to find a compromise between your own vision and client’s wishes and opinion about the project.
3da: What forecast you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?
AT: 3d-world has a lot of interesting components and for sure it awaits a bright future. Every year we find more and more technologies for making the work with 3d easier and it awakens a huge interest in 3d from different other industries. Someone like 3d design, another – games, another – visual effects for cinema or 3d animations.