Name: Caue Rodrigues
Country: Brazil
Job:Freelance 3d-artist

3darchitettura, Caue Rodrigues, render, 3d

3daWhy have you decided to work in 3d-field and when have you started? Where you studied?
CR: I started back in 2005, after seeing a friend doing simulations with 3Ds Max cloth system. At that moment, I decided to learn how to use it. For a long time I studied using only the help section of 3Ds Max. I read many articles and making off’s, and also did some courses.

3darchitettura, Caue Rodrigues, render, 3d

3da: Describe to our readers your usual workflow 
CR: I work alone, sometimes my wife helps me with modeling. I start modeling using Sketchup, it is very simple and fast. After that I use 3Ds Max to complement the modeling using some plugins like Forest Pack, Floor Generator, etc.. Also use Photoshop for post production.

3darchitettura, Caue Rodrigues, render, 3d

3da: What was most difficult for you when you just started working in 3D? And what is now?
CR: The most difficult was the fact that I did not have a computer when I started. I borrowed one from my aunt, at the time it was very good, so I did pretty well!:) Currently, the most difficult is to balance speed Vs quality, because the deadlines are becoming smaller.

3darchitettura, Caue Rodrigues, render, 3d

3da: Looking back on your education process what you would have changed now? And what you consider right and would do exactly the same?
CR: I had little focus, I wanted to learn everything in all segments: animation, VFX, etc.. Currently I try to keep myself informed in a general way, but I keep focused in my work area.

3darchitettura, Caue Rodrigues, render, 3d

3da: Which was the biggest problem that you faced working on a project and how have you solved it?
CR: I believe it was on a work in high resolution and the resolution of textures books that I had were not good enough. And they were many! I hired a person to do just that part while I worked on the project.

3darchitettura, Caue Rodrigues, render, 3d

3da: What forecast you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?
CR: For those who keep updated, it will be great! For professionals that stopped time will be disastrous, they always end up complaining about the market. Some technologies catch my attention and I follow them closely. Render GPU such as Octane interest me a lot.

3darchitettura, Caue Rodrigues, render, 3d