Name: Eddy Guzman
Age: 24 years
Country: Guatemala
Job: Founder Studio-Cero Architecture
Website / portfolio page:


3DA: Why have you decided to work in 3d-field and when have you started?
EG: Officially I started 
in September 2012. I saw wonderful works online in social networks and took the initiative to learn specialized software. Digital sphere in the city where I live is still a topic of little interest and my main idea is to teach people of the ways to achieve great projects and work with modern tools.


3DA: Describe to our readers your usual workflow.
EG: My main
 field of work is architecture and I completely believe that a project must be started on paper, from sketching all the ideas, without judging them and without order. Then while modelling these ideas become more clear and smaller details are developed. Usually I do the modelling part in C4D and export all 3dsMax for rendering, next step: to achieve a balanced lighting between whites. After I apply general textures that dominate the scene, incorporating 3D elements that will be helpful to understand materials. The quality depends on the context surrounding the scene, so it is important to create a realistic environment to get the desired visual results. When everything is done, we make the final render in high quality and export to Photoshop for post-production using “Render Elements” Raw Reflection, Refraction Raw, OA, Total Lighiting, Global Illumination, VrayObjet in this process to balance colors and determine certain hues, Logar and some effects that give visual impact to the end-image. Software I use: Cinema C4D, VrayFor3DMax, Itoo Software, Floor Generator, Ivy Generator, Marvelous Designer, Plant Pix, Photoshop, Magic Bullet.


3DA: What was most difficult for you when you just started working in 3D? And what is now?
Really the hardest part was adjusting to a new program and trying to learn by myself. I think many artists would agree that most of the learning is self-taught, it’s a nice experience, sometimes you find yourself in a dead end or see no solution, but when you suddenly find it it feels like a perfect victory. 


3DA: Looking back on your education process what you would have changed now? And what you consider right and would do exactly the same?
I think one should never stop learning. It’s existing every day to see new things. The artist should always invent something new and not drown down into routine, try to learn every day, from any person. I wish I could study more in depth subjects like fundamental arts, painting, sculpture, photography, etc. If you understand these processes, you can achieve more realistic results in interpreting the scenes.


3DA: Which was the biggest problem that you faced working on a project and how have you solved it?
I think the hardest thing I’ve experienced was a job interview for one company from India. They contacted us and wanted to do several tests, the process was long and never finished. The task was to design a building over 35 floors and render it, I worked on the tests for 1 week and was able to conclude some parts, but I could not leave my country to work deeper on that project. The offer still up till 2015, so maybe I can go back to it one day. 


3DA: What forecast you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?
In Latin America it’s all still relatively new, but people like to do 3D. The future goes for digital arts, everyone will do 3d before building something, and I am talking both about renders and animations. especially animations in real time with an impressive level of detail, taking care of every aspect and element.Â