Jacinto Miguel Valente Monteiro

Architect and Digital Artist



Hello, my name is Jacinto Monteiro, I graduated as an architect, back in 2001, in Portugal, and started working in this profession for 6 years. In the peak of 2007/8 crisis, with my girlfriend pregnant of my only child, I decided to quit my architectural job and had a fresh start as a digital artist. High risk and drastic decision that changed my life completely, luckily for better.

Little did I know about 3D back then but slowly I started to get the hand of it. First started doing 3D for close friends and low-cost budget for local Portuguese architects. My first big 3D creation was FAUP work where I got a bit of worldwide recognition by finishing in second in 2011 Evermotion Competition. After that, I started to have a growing flow of international clients and by now Metro Cúbico as exported 90% of the produced images to over 30 different countries. We are now a small team of two guys working hard

We are now a small team of two guys working hard every day. Sometimes the team grows when we partner with other CG teams or we sub-contract other artists to help us out. Our work is done mostly in 3DS Max, Corona Renderer and Photoshop.

This is a commissioned job of an utopian church for Architecture and Digital Art purposes. Client wished to show this project in the middle of a forest. - 3DS Max, Corona Renderer and Photoshop
Oporto Architecture University interior recreated in 3D. This work was specifically created for the Evermotion Competition in 2011 and was awarded with the 2nd Place in the Interior Category. The goal of this Digital Art Work was to respect Álvaro Siza's architectural concept, simplicity, materials, light and design, and obviously make it look hyper-realistic - the major objective of the competition. - 3DS Max, Corona Renderer and Photoshop
[:en]Commercial job: a group of singular houses very close to the sea coast, located in Wales. We tried to replicate the environment as close as possible to the reality of the actual place. - 3DS Max, Corona Renderer and Photoshop [:ru]Commercial job: a group of singular houses very close to the sea coast, located in Wales. We tried to replicate the enviroment as close as possible to the reality of the actual place. - 3DS Max, Corona Renderer and Photoshop[:]
MDJ house is a typical XIX century Oporto house. This was a work that gave us a tremendous pleasure to develop because of the historical context. We decided to model all the close surroundings of the house and for the final images we decided to use real photos of the city landscape in order to adapt the enviroment into each different view. - 3DS Max, VRay and Photoshop
Boa Nova Tea House was designed by Álvaro Siza Vieira, planned and built (1958-1963) during an important period of transition in Portuguese architecture, representing the new "organic" generation to follow. This is probably the most beautiful dwelling - now a National Monument - ever built in Portugal. I would even say that this house is no less than Farnsworth and Falling Water houses, in terms of architectonic beauty. - 3DS Max, Vray and Photoshop