Name: Le Van Phong
Age: 24
Job: Freelance 3D Architectural Artist
Country: Viet Nam


3DA: Why have you decided to work in 3d-field and when have you started?
BK: I have 3ds Max passion when I was a 3rd year student in the architecture sector universities. Initially, all things really stuck with me but my passion grew over time. I always try to study 3D any time and internet really a very useful vehicle. Today, architectural visualization is very common, but not easy to achieve success and I am working on it daily.

Le Van Phong interviewed for

3DA: Describe to our readers your usual workflow
BK: When I get a request from a customer, I start my research on everything from style to customer’s requirements. Then I start modeling, texture, lighting and finish with little Phothoshop postproduction. Sometimes with big projects, I need to have a support of my  team to be able to deliver the render to customers on deadline

Le Van Phong interviewed for

3DA: What was most difficult for you when you just started working in 3D? And what is now?
BK: It’s hard to work when a customer gives you not enough information about project and defines just an output quality. Then the work takes a lot of time. But everything can be solved if you have a really strong team and nothing can affect the determination to finish your work the best way possible.

Le Van Phong interviewed for

3DA: Looking back on your education process what you would have changed now? And what you consider right and would do exactly the same?
BK: I’m an architect and work as a 3D artist now. Knowledge from universities is important, but working on real projects teaches you even more. Experience accumulated over each project is useful.

Le Van Phong interviewed for

3DA: Which was the biggest problem that you faced working on a project and how have you solved it?
BK: Keep the mind awake, and you will find a way to solve any the problem.

Le Van Phong interviewed for

3DA: What forecast you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?
BK: Architectural Visualization growing very fast, if you want to find a place in the 3D world you should always learn new things and updated latest technology

Le Van Phong interviewed for