Name: Mimesis – Francisco Cidade & Miguel Cardoso
Age: 30
Job: owners of Mimesis studio
Country: Portugal
Web site:

3DA: How did you start working in 3D field? How much time has passed and what kind of studies did you do?
FC: The interest to work in 3D field I think it really started after I saw the Alex Roman work “The third and the seventh” and being amazed with the capability that 3D tools could do. That was on 2010, when me and my partner Miguel Cardoso finished architecture school, and decided to learn more about architecture visualization, and create Mimesis at 2011.

Mimesis interviewed for

3DA: Which are your favorite software and plugins for your daily projects?
FC: The software we use most are Sketchup, for modeling, 3ds Max and Vray for rendering and Photoshop for post-production. The plugins we use more are multiscatter, railcone and the incredible floorgenerator.

Mimesis interviewed for

3DA: Tell us something about a project that gave you great satisfactions
FC: Its difficult to select one, but I think all our personal works give us great satisfaction, because its there where we can learn more and show our main architecture and photography references, but also our rendering and post-production techniques, that with clients sometimes its not so easy to show , because we have to respect their point of view.

Mimesis interviewed for

3DA: From where do you take inspiration for your artworks?
FC: We love architecture, and as we work a lot with image, we try to follow and learn with the best photographers at architecture field, such as Fernando Guerra from ultimasreportagens, but of course also with great 3d artists like Jacinto Monteiro from Metrocubicodigital, Peter Guthrie, Xoio, Bertrand Benoit, Matheus Passos, Christopher Malheiros. Not to mention all the new 3D artists that we see every day with excellent works!

Mimesis interviewed for

3DA: How do you live this period of economic crisis? How is it in your country?
FC: Well, it’s being difficult, here in Portugal most architecture offices don´t have work, and when they have some, sometimes they prefer not to invest so much on 3D and renders,so it’s hard. I think our passion and the motivation that our few clients give us, are the main reason that lead us to endure this difficult period.

Mimesis interviewed for

3DA: What would you suggest to people that are approaching to 3D and architecture?
FC: I think the most important thing it’s to have passion in what you do, and if you really want to approach to architectural visualization, don´t give up! Nowadays with such an easy access to tutorials,3D forums and social networks, we are able to connect and share our knowledge and most of all, learn. Architectural visualization and 3D, are fields that require you to be always familiar with new softwares, plugins, that arise every day…so if you really love this, go ahead it will be worth it!