Name: Mohsen Hashemi
: 25
Job: Manager of Phoenix Architectural and Design Group
Country: Iran
Web site:

Mohsen Hashemi interviewed for

3DA: Why have you decided to work in 3d-field and when have you started?
MH: Since my childhood I was deeply interested in art. I spent my time drawing but I always thought of about something more, something huge. I experimented with different kinds of art, for example with watercolors. When I started to read about architecture I decided to learn 3d-programs and graphic tools – and opened possibilities to develop my artworks were really amazing. 
All my graphic works started with photoshop and corell draw and then I started to learn 3ds MaxVray-Autocad-RhinoLumion and so on…

Mohsen Hashemi interviewed for

3DA: What was most difficult for you when you just started working in 3D? And what is now?
MH: When I wanted to start learning 3Ds Max I searched for a good institution, but could not find it. It was not easy, but I started to study by myself, I began learning with video tutorials and “making of”  parts of big CG web-sites. As I learned more and more, my motivation to study was just growing. And I am honored to admit that I am my own teacher and of course I appreciate and will never forget other artists that helped me to improve my works with their advice.

Mohsen Hashemi interviewed for

3DA: Looking back on your education process what you would have changed now? And what you consider right and would do exactly the same?
MH: I started learning with the wish to become on of the best and I always keep this wish in mind. I still have a long road ahead and some time I will make all my dreams come true. 

Mohsen Hashemi interviewed for

3DA: Which was the biggest problem that you faced working on a project and how have you solved it?
MH: One of my biggest problem from the very beginning was to answer the question: “why my renders do not look real?” and I think this is a problem for all beginners. With many training I found out that there are two most important parts in rendering: light and shaders. If you render from a scene that have a low settings but with nice light and materials, finally you will get an acceptable result.

Mohsen Hashemi interviewed for
3DA: What forecast you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?
MH: With this daily changes in CG world I think we all have exciting future, maybe even better than our  dreams…So, let’s KEEP TRYING!
Mohsen Hashemi interviewed for