Due to short deadlines I prefer adding details in postproduction, I find it very fun. I really love photoshop integration.

Oscar Juárez

Country: Mexico
Age: 35
Website: www.behance.net/oscarjuarez
SocialMedia: www.facebook.com/FibrhaStudio

Oscar Juarez interviewed for 3D Architettura about 3D rendering

Why have you decided to work in 3d-field? When have you started? Where did you study?

In the begining I studied in Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico city. Back in that days I used to have a slow machine so whenever I saw 3d stuff it was like… I like it but cant do it. Then finally I got a decent workstation and so it all began. From the very beginning I knew this was my thing so… So here we are.

Oscar Juarez interviewed for 3D Architettura about 3D rendering

What is your usual workflow? Which plugins and software you use? Do you make all the project yourself or delegate some parts of it?

As far is the workflow is concerned, it’s simple: I receive the cad file, I clean it all and I export it to 3ds max and and then it’s where the most fun stuff happens. Modeling, uv-mapping and rendering are solved in max and with the rest I trust my reliable eternal partner – photoshop. That´d be my workflow. The main thing is to have fun.

Oscar Juarez interviewed for 3D Architettura about 3D rendering

What your consider most important in creating photo-realistic lighting and materials? Any advice for the students just starting to learn 3D?

The most important thing about creating photo-realistic stuff is – KEEPING IN MIND HOW REALITY WORKS. Most of the time if not always the clients have some ideas BUT we as artist may suggest what would be better. It’s true that dramatic skyes and amazing glares sell but we can be more gentle with reality. The advice would be as short as KEEP WORKING, KEEP NETWORKING AND KEEP WORKING AGAIN.

Oscar Juarez interviewed for 3D Architettura about 3D rendering

Do you have any personal know-how for creating photo-realistic vegetation and plants?

I know about speed tree, icube´s stuff, sometimes I use it but sometimes due to short deadlines I prefer adding things in postproduction, mostly grass, some trees as a composition enhancement and some bushes, I find it very fun. I love photoshop integration. Turning an exterior asset into a piece of the visualization its the bomb.

Oscar Juarez interviewed for 3D Architettura about 3D rendering

What are your plans for the future? What forecasts you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?

My plans in the future have a name FIBRHA (my own 3d stuff brand) growing and creating more jobs for people like me who once dreamt about making a living with 3d (characters, furniture, archviz). Future looks promising, 3d has become a part or the projects, we as artists should be at the forefront of technology, improving, creating more and more possibilities to offer.

Oscar Juarez interviewd for 3D Architettura about 3D rendering