I was attracted to CG when a friend showed me the movie “The Third and the Seventh” by Alex Roman.

Pedro Antunes from Portugal interviewed for 3DArchitettura: render, 3d, CG, design, interior design, architecture

Name: Pedro Antunes
Country: Portugal
Age: 25
Job: 3D Artist
Website: pedroantunesvisuals.wix.com/home
SocialMedia: www.facebook.com/pavisualisations

3DA: Why have you decided to work in 3d-field and when have you started? Where you studied?
PA: I started in 2012, and unlike many colleagues in the field, I wasn’t studying architecture. I was attracted to CG after a friend of mine showed me the famous movie “The Third and the Seventh” by Alex Roman. Then, I decided to choose my path and I started to learn 3d on my own, I spent many hours and many nights searching for tutorials on the internet and after a while I simply fell in love.

Pedro Antunes from Portugal interviewed for 3DArchitettura: render, 3d, CG, design, interior design, architecture

3DA: Which software you usually use for your projects? What has surprised you in positive and/or negative way in the software/plugins for CG during the last year?
PA: I use mainly 3ds Max, VRay and Photoshop, plus some scripts to 3ds Max, as floor generator, relink bitmaps, forest pack, Marvelous Designer, etc.
Last year, I think the positive surprise was Vray 3.0, it simplifies a lot our work.

Pedro Antunes from Portugal interviewed for 3DArchitettura: render, 3d, CG, design, interior design, architecture

3DA: What was most difficult for you when you just started working in 3D? And what is now?
PA: I think the most difficult was to start, like I said, I’m self-taught. Now I think the most complicated is crazy deadlines that clients want, but you must handle it professionally and do your best.

Pedro Antunes from Portugal interviewed for 3DArchitettura: render, 3d, CG, design, interior design, architecture

3DA: What you can advise to the students who are just starting their way in CG?
PA: You have to study a lot and if you are just starting out, you have to do a lot of work and put yourself on a deadline so that every month you will finish 1 project. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will improve your skills and your work will be as good as your ambitions. Is very important to be patient, so don’t quit.

Pedro Antunes from Portugal interviewed for 3DArchitettura: render, 3d, CG, design, interior design, architecture

3DA: What forecast you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?
PA: Now the whole industry is part of our lives, we can see it everywhere, from architectural visualisation, tv commercials, movies, tv shows, etc. In future the direction is unknown, but I believe that is still a lot to come and will have a very promising future. About my future, I can say that I’m working on my short film, stay tuned that this year there will be many news.