Name: Roman Choudary
Age: 23
Job: Student of Architecture and Free lance visualizer
Country: Pakistan
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RomanArchitects Facebook 

3DA: Why have you decided to work in 3d-field and when have you started?
RC: Actually I am very fond of gaming and graphics. Doing a project of visualization is playing extremely heavy games according to me. When I entered school of architecture I started it and it was 2 years back when I first have seen the interface of 3ds Max.

Roman Choudary interviewed for

3DA: Describe to our readers your usual workflow
RC: Initially I worked in autocad like 3d modeling but now I use 3ds Max for modeling, lighting and texturing and for most important step, post production, I use Photoshop. Detailed modeling gives me freedom to play with lighting and texturing.

Roman Choudary interviewed for

3DA: What was most difficult for you when you just started working in 3D? And what is now?
RC: Handling a file was most difficult factor for me. Due to this I was unable to put 3D grass in my scenes and big realistic trees. So by doing research and developments day and night I finally am able to do even bigger master plans like stadiums, airports and housing projects. I must mention here that it depends mostly on your passion and love with your MEDIUM, no one can teach you unless you are not ready to face hardships.

Roman Choudary interviewed for

3DA: Looking back on your education process what you would have changed now? And what you consider right and would do exactly the same?
RC: In these two years I have learnt a lot. As I never took formal 3ds Max training from anywhere that’s why I am still in learning stage. I always try to focus on the lighting of own region like where I am living so initially it was lacking as I didn’t know how to manipulate Vray sun or post production techniques to meet our desired results so by doing internet research I did so. Muhammad Taher, a visualizer from Alexandria, Egypt is my one of the greatest inspiration. He plays with reality!

Roman Choudary interviewed for

3DA: Which was the biggest problem that you faced working on a project and how have you solved it?
RC: As I didn’t know the method of making Proxies so it was very difficult for me to place many objects in my scenes so know as I know it I can do anything I want!

Roman Choudary interviewed for

3DA: What forecast you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?
RC: I have noticed that now a days realistic renderings are lessen as the conceptual graphics are taking place day by day. Artists are focusing more on Photoshop techniques of creating a scene. Tutorials have made it easy for everyone to do good works.

Roman Choudary interviewed for