Name: Rostislav Nikolaev
Age: 24
Job: 3d artist
Country: Russia
Web site:

3DA: How did you start working in 3D field? How much time has been passed and what kind of studies did you do?
RN: I started my 3d-career in the end of 2010.  I have a degree in architecture, but my university did not give any inspiration to become an architect. To say more – it did completely the opposite. But I always liked to make beautiful presentations of my projects.  I needed to work and to earn money so I decided to learn 3d. Then I moved to Moscow, attended professional courses and started to work more and more in the 3d-field.

3DA: Which are your favourite software and plugins for your daily projects?
RN: Every  day I open  3dsmax 2011, Vray 1.5 and ps cs5. All other software and plugins I use quite rarely, ony in case I have some particular task that I could better and faster fulfill that way.

3DA: Tell us something about a project that gave you great satisfactions.
РН: Probably my favourite project was a interior in Scandinavian style, because I did it or myself and for my self-education. I spent a lot of tie with it and paid attention to the smallest details. Usually projects for clients have very short deadlines and after a while you do not remember them so well. But still if the project was big, afterwards you have a feeling of a huge work well done.

3DA: From where do you take inspiration for your artworks?
RN: I look at the works of other 3d-artists, follow different 3d-communities and professional web-sites. Two of my favourite authors are  Bertrand Benoit и Viktor Fretyán

3DA: How do you live this period of economic crisis? How is it in your country?
RN: When I worked in architecture field in 2009 in Nizhny Novgorod, I felt the crisis quite strongly. But after moving to Moscow and starting to do 3d, I’ve never experienced a lack of work. However, I see that there are a lot of people who spent all the time in internet complaining that there are too many competitors and too little work. I think that If you complain less and work more, than you’d always find a work.  As far as 3d-graphic is concerned, I think there is no difference between countries. People communicate with each other and look at each other’s work. If you are doing something good in one place of the earth, then after a while somebody would notice you on the other. Recently I got an email from China – a company found me somewhere and asked if I hire people to work with me.  We all follow the same professional web-sites, and that’s why all the trends are global. That’s why I don’t see any big difference between 3d-artists in Russia and in other countries.

3DA: What would you suggest to people that are approaching to 3D and architecture?
RN: My advice would be very simple: you should love what you do and do what you love.  And do it every day no matter what.