Name: Sérgio Merêces
Age: 31
Job: Freelance 3D artist
Country: Evora – Portugal

Web site:

3DA: How did you start working in 3D field? How much time has been passed?
SM: I began working in 3D when I was 16 years old, my first job as 3d artist was as 3D generalist for a games company, 15 years already passed working as 3D artist

Sérgio Merêces's interview on 3dArchitettura

3DA: Which are your favorite software and plugins for your daily projects?
SM: In my daily projects I use
3ds Max and Vray, as render engine. In 3ds Max I use a huge pack of scripts! And a few plungins like multiscatter, forest pack,etc.

Sérgio Merêces's interview on 3dArchitettura

3DA: Tell us something about a project that gave you great satisfactions
SM: All my projects give me a lot of motivation and I try to do the best, but as we know every project are different from other! and not everyone got the same results due to such factors as the level of architecture restrictions and customer choices. But in general I try put my personal mark in all my projects. As sample I can give my project “The Modern House” which was a challenge because I had only 1 day and a half to make the image! At the end I was quite happy with the result. (Image below)

Sérgio Merêces's interview on 3dArchitettura

3DA: From where do you take inspiration for your artworks?
SM: My inspiration cames from everything related to art, architecture and photography! I have great inspiration from the work of MIR studio or from 3D artist Bertrand Benoit. For me they are a really huge inspiration.

Sérgio Merêces's interview on 3dArchitettura

3DA: What would you suggest to people that are approaching to 3D and architecture?
SM: To all 3D artists I suggest always to do the projects with motivation and search often for inspiration and the most important: try to give your personal touch.

Sérgio Merêces's interview on 3dArchitettura