Name: Stefano Mombelli and Alan Alberizzi (LEVEL Studio)
Country: Italy
Age: 27-30
Job: 3D Artists, Architectural visualizator
Website/portfolio: www. ,

Stefano Mombelli and Alan Alberizzi (LEVEL Studio) interviewed for 3darchitettura: render, design, 3d, CG, architecture

3DA: Why have you decided to work in 3d-field and when have you started? Where you studied?
SM&AA: We studied architecture at the University of Parma and during the 5 years we have passionate in the world of 3D and architectural visualization. After graduation, we decided to turn this passion in our work.

Stefano Mombelli and Alan Alberizzi (LEVEL Studio) interviewed for 3darchitettura: render, design, 3d, CG, architecture

3DA:  Describe to our readers your usual workflow.
SM&AA: At first we model with Rhinoceros and 3dsMax, then put materials, lighting with V-Ray for 3dsMax, after we make a post-production with Adobe Photoshop Cs6. But what we try to do at the end of this process, is to tell a story with our images

Stefano Mombelli and Alan Alberizzi (LEVEL Studio) interviewed for 3darchitettura: render, design, 3d, CG, architecture

3DA:  What was most difficult for you when you just started working in 3D? And what is now?
SM&AA: When you are a newcomer to the 3D industry, the biggest challenge is to learn everything from scratch. It’s hard even to get known both to potential customers and to an audience of fans, but you work hard and it results in great satisfaction, this all has led us to be what we are now.

Stefano Mombelli and Alan Alberizzi (LEVEL Studio) interviewed for 3darchitettura: render, design, 3d, CG, architecture

3DA:  Looking back on your education process what you would have changed now? And what you consider right and would do exactly the same?
SM&AA: In our experience, probably it would be easier frequent some courses or master to have a basic method of working correct. Instead we as independent learners, we learned through the various programs and tutorials on the Internet and testing we were able to learn a lot of things, even if it is never enough. Because this world is always in continuous evolution. But in the end we are also glad to have done so because we have matured knowledge based on practical tests. And only practice makes you better

Stefano Mombelli and Alan Alberizzi (LEVEL Studio) interviewed for 3darchitettura: render, design, 3d, CG, architecture

3DA: Which was the biggest problem that you faced working on a project and how have you solved it?
SM&AA: The biggest problem we found were the times. Often some customers want very detailed and realistic images in no time. We solved by working at night;)

Stefano Mombelli and Alan Alberizzi (LEVEL Studio) interviewed for 3darchitettura: render, design, 3d, CG, architecture

3DA:  What forecast you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?
SM&AA: It’s a world based on the evolution of programs that let you make new things and ever more realistic, and 3d they are finding applications in many areas. The difficult thing is keeping up with this evolution

Stefano Mombelli and Alan Alberizzi (LEVEL Studio) interviewed for 3darchitettura: render, design, 3d, CG, architecture