Start with a small scene and shoot it like a photographer, remember the composition – it considerably changes the image perception.

Tharik Mohammed

Country: Singapore
Age: 29
Job: 3D Visualisation Artist


Why have you decided to work in 3d-field? When have you started? Where did you study?

When I was a child, I liked cartoons movies with special effects, drawings. That’s how I got my initial interest in 3d field. So I slowly started learning by myself and with lots of online 3d resources websites . During my university studies in India I graduated BSC information technology and HDA (Higher diploma in animation).Everything started in 2007. After finishing my education I continued to learn the 3d software and techniques. I bought and read books, looked the web for tutorials, talked to professionals on forums.


What is your usual workflow? Which plugins and software you use? Do you make all the project yourself or delegate some parts of it?

Any work on any project starts with a very distinct and clear brief. I use mainly 3ds Max, VRay, corona, Photoshop and Lightroom, plus some scripts for 3ds Max, like floor generator, forest pack, Marvelous Designer, etc. Usually I do all work stages by myself. I’m always open to communicate with the 3d community and get some help from my friends.


What your consider most important in creating photo-realistic lighting and materials? Any advice for the students just starting to learn 3D?

The most important for photo-realistic images are lighting, shaders, texturing,colors, design and camera angle. My advice for the students could be: start with a small scene and try to shoot it like a photographer, learn about composition (Photoshop&lightroom) as that will considerably boost the look of your photorealistic image.


Do you have any personal know-how for creating photo-realistic vegetation and plants?

Most of the information I got from tutorials and I gathered lots of reference image from Google about plants and trees vegetation. So I usually use forest pack pro and Multiscatter. I select a couple of models from my own library. I always use random variation in scale, rotation and placement of each object. This really adds lot of realism to your scene.


What are your plans for the future? What forecasts you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?

My plans for the future are mostly about getting better and more photorealistic in rendering. Also I’d like to learn some more 3d rendering softwares – my next step is try Visual Effects and Animation rendering.
