Jacinto Miguel Valente Monteiro
Architect and Digital Artist
Hello, my name is Jacinto Monteiro, I graduated as an architect, back in 2001, in Portugal, and started working in this profession for 6 years. In the peak of 2007/8 crisis, with my girlfriend pregnant of my only child, I decided to quit my architectural job and had a fresh start as a digital artist. High risk and drastic decision that changed my life completely, luckily for better.
Little did I know about 3D back then but slowly I started to get the hand of it. First started doing 3D for close friends and low-cost budget for local Portuguese architects. My first big 3D creation was FAUP work where I got a bit of worldwide recognition by finishing in second in 2011 Evermotion Competition. After that, I started to have a growing flow of international clients and by now Metro Cúbico as exported 90% of the produced images to over 30 different countries. We are now a small team of two guys working hard
We are now a small team of two guys working hard every day. Sometimes the team grows when we partner with other CG teams or we sub-contract other artists to help us out. Our work is done mostly in 3DS Max, Corona Renderer and Photoshop.