Name: Roman Choudary
Age: 23
Job: Student of Architecture and Free lance visualizer
Country: Pakistan
Web site:
RomanArchitects FacebookÂ
3DA: Why have you decided to work in 3d-field and when have you started?
RC: Actually I am very fond of gaming and graphics. Doing a project of visualization is playing extremely heavy games according to me. When I entered school of architecture I started it and it was 2 years back when I first have seen the interface of 3ds Max.
3DA: Describe to our readers your usual workflow
RC: Initially I worked in autocad like 3d modeling but now I use 3ds Max for modeling, lighting and texturing and for most important step, post production, I use Photoshop. Detailed modeling gives me freedom to play with lighting and texturing.
3DA: What was most difficult for you when you just started working in 3D? And what is now?
RC: Handling a file was most difficult factor for me. Due to this I was unable to put 3D grass in my scenes and big realistic trees. So by doing research and developments day and night I finally am able to do even bigger master plans like stadiums, airports and housing projects. I must mention here that it depends mostly on your passion and love with your MEDIUM, no one can teach you unless you are not ready to face hardships.
3DA: Looking back on your education process what you would have changed now? And what you consider right and would do exactly the same?
RC: In these two years I have learnt a lot. As I never took formal 3ds Max training from anywhere that’s why I am still in learning stage. I always try to focus on the lighting of own region like where I am living so initially it was lacking as I didn’t know how to manipulate Vray sun or post production techniques to meet our desired results so by doing internet research I did so. Muhammad Taher, a visualizer from Alexandria, Egypt is my one of the greatest inspiration. He plays with reality!
3DA: Which was the biggest problem that you faced working on a project and how have you solved it?
RC: As I didn’t know the method of making Proxies so it was very difficult for me to place many objects in my scenes so know as I know it I can do anything I want!
3DA: What forecast you can make about the future of 3d-world in general?
RC: I have noticed that now a days realistic renderings are lessen as the conceptual graphics are taking place day by day. Artists are focusing more on Photoshop techniques of creating a scene. Tutorials have made it easy for everyone to do good works.