Tag: 3dsMax

Jacinto Miguel Valente Monteiro

Hello, my name is Jacinto Monteiro, I graduated as an architect, back in 2001, in Portugal, and started working in this profession for 6 years. In the peak of 2007/8 crisis, with my girlfriend pregnant of my only child, I decided to quit my architectural job and had a fresh start as a digital artist. High risk and drastic decision that changed my life completely, luckily for better.

3ds Max 2018.2

End of August Autodesk has presented 3ds Max 2018.2 release with procedural spline modeling and animation tools, batch processing for some background tasks, and some other improvements.
OKDRAW studio interview for 3D Architettura

Hugo Ferreira & Pedro Teixeira – OK Draw

Our names are Hugo Ferreira and Pedro Teixeira, we are an architect and product designer managing the Okdraw Studio in Portugal. We always knew each other since the young age, and when in 2012 we realized that we were both working in the 3D area but in different ways, we decided to merge our knowledge and work towards architectural and product visualization.
Valentinstudio: Villa

Valentin Ayrault

For every new project, we try to understand the clients’ needs and to offer him a feedback of solutions and artistic guidelines adapted to the project.

Clayton Hollister

I started working with CG in the 1980's when the TV station I worked at upgraded to a digital Grass Valley video switcher and Chryon Chroma-key system, we used POV-RAY and Caligari True Space.

3ds Max Interactive

Autodesk has introduced virtual reality engine 3ds Max Interactive in 3ds Max 2018.1 Update

Corona Renderer 1.6

End of April Corona Renderer 1.6 for Autodesk 3ds Max was released.

What’s new in Autodesk 3ds Max 2018?

Autodesk has released 3dsMax 2018 from the mid-april with modeling, animation, rendering and workflow updates

3DS Max 2018: good bye Mental Ray, hello Arnold

With the release of 3ds Max 2018® software scheduled on April 12, 2017, Autodesk will no longer include NVIDIA’s Mental Ray as part of 3ds Max. Instead the company offers access to the Arnold renderer developed by Solid Angle that was purchased by Autodesk in 2016.

Square Voxel

Our workflow is really straight forward: after our first meeting with the client we create a storyboard in order to have the necessary feedback, we do this roughly 3 times until everyone is satisfied with the camera angle, materials, the mood and - the most important thing - with the feeling we want to depict.


As you already know, the last days of October animago Awards has announced the winners of this year. Today we would like to introduce you Stefan Larsson from Japan. His CG animation "Spatial bodies" was chosen by animago expert jury as the best Architecture Film of 2016.


Renderpeople issued a new generation of scanned 3D people and a free plug-in for 3ds Max to resize and relink hundreds of textures in a 3d-scene.