Tag: Marvelous Designer

CGI summer 2020

Are you ready to re-start after the lockdowns? Let's create a perfect summer with V-Ray 5, Maxwell Render 5.1, Marvelous Designer 9.5, new procedural Ivy Generator for 3ds Max and other software and plugins for CGI and arch-viz that we have collected in our digest of the recent releases.
Marek Denko - Her Eventual Hesitation - making of - 3D Architettura interview

Marek Denko

Today we continue our animago Award 2017 series of articles by introducing you the winner in Best Still nomination - 3D visualization artist Marek Denko. We talk about his way in CGI and behind the scenes of creation and development of his latest awarded project, "Her Eventual Hesitation".

Thomas Deffet

One of the most important thing is to look at the details in the real world and work on it. More you work on the details, more the scene will be realistic.

Marvelous Designer 6 closed beta

Marvelous Designer invites its users to participate in Close Beta Test, applying on its website till September 12


The key for photorealistic vegetation, besides correct tools, is understanding how it behaves, what it does, what it smells like.


Start with a small scene and shoot it like a photographer, remember the composition - it considerably changes the image perception.

Stitch Meshes Modeling

Try to imagine the power of Marvelous Designer, enhanced with this awesome program for generating stitched patterns on mesh surfaces.
Pedro Antunes from Portugal interviewed for 3DArchitettura: render, 3d, CG, design, interior design, architecture


I was attracted to CG when a friend showed me the movie "The Third and the Seventh" by Alex Roman.
Abdulaif Abidov interviewed for 3D Architettura: render, 3d, CG, architecture, design


My advice is the following: pay attention to everything around you, think outside the box and develop your personal style.
Vadim Korotkov interviewed for 3darchitettura.com: render, 3d, design, CG, architecture


Show your projects to your friends and colleagues: professional feedback gives motivation to grow and helps to correct the mistakes.
Tiago Sillos Padovani, 3d, architecture, design, 3darchitettura, render

Tiago Sillos Padovani

Always it is extremely difficult to tune adjustment of 3d modeled on real image. I solved it by learning how to deal with a real camera and used it in the virtual world.
3d, architecture, 3darchitettura, render, Alexandre Jarek


I think the most difficult was to start… There are so many things to learn about 3D that when I started I did not know what should I learn first