Tag: revit

Lumion 7.5

Act 3D has released Lumion 7.5 update in the beginning of July.
3D Architettura interview: Ville Kiuru, 3d artist, Finland, rendering, visualization, ArchViz


I dropped out of school when I was obsessed enough with Max and render engines, spending 12-14 hours a day just testing every area. After some time I started getting contacts via the forums where I had posted my renderings to share with others.
3D Architettura interviews 3d artist and architect Ahmed Tallal - architectural rendering, archviz, cg, 3d, render.


My "secret" tool is Vray2SidedMtl. It's a cool way to create realistic leaves for vegetation and, in my opinion, it's better and also faster for rendering than using translucence map.

CL3VER for Revit

CL3VER launches today its new Autodesk Revit Export App on the Autodesk Exchange Apps store.


Looking back on my education process, i wouldn’t take back all the sleepless nights dedicated to tutorials, design articles, and so on, as they all, along with the university i attended, shaped me into the artist i am today.

Pragya Bindal

Now our industry is growing, people also are learning traditional skills of sketching, clay art, photography, they are developing their own concept, using new techniques of story telling