Tag: Vray


V-Ray Cloud

Chaos Group presented the end of February V-Ray Cloud beta - new cloud rendering integrated directly in V-Ray that seamlessly unlocks the speed and virtually unlimited power of the cloud.

V-Ray Next Beta 2

End of February Chaos Group presented V-Ray Next, Beta 2 for 3ds Max with GPU volume rendering, Nvidia denoising and many other cool new features.
v-ray benchmark

V-Ray Benchmark

Chaos Group recently released version 1.0.7 of V-Ray Benchmark, a free stand-alone application for testing hardware rendering speed.

ID studio

Our target is to achieve photorealistic 3D visualizations for individual clients, companies, large institutions and anyone interested in the 3D industry.

Juan Hiriart

I started working with CG in 2007, I've learned a lot from this work in ten years and still learning a lot every day. I'm a professional architect and a founder of DOD3dstudio since 2015. I like the art that involves this whole arch-viz world and the way it impacts on others. Every project is different to me, every one of them has a special message to deliver and so is the way I face them.
Marek Denko - Her Eventual Hesitation - making of - 3D Architettura interview

Marek Denko

Today we continue our animago Award 2017 series of articles by introducing you the winner in Best Still nomination - 3D visualization artist Marek Denko. We talk about his way in CGI and behind the scenes of creation and development of his latest awarded project, "Her Eventual Hesitation".

Jacinto Miguel Valente Monteiro

Hello, my name is Jacinto Monteiro, I graduated as an architect, back in 2001, in Portugal, and started working in this profession for 6 years. In the peak of 2007/8 crisis, with my girlfriend pregnant of my only child, I decided to quit my architectural job and had a fresh start as a digital artist. High risk and drastic decision that changed my life completely, luckily for better.

V-Ray 3.6 for 3ds Max

Chaos Group has recently presented a new release V-Ray for 3DS Max 2018.

Chaos Group V-Ray 3.5 for NUKE 10.5

V-Ray 3.5 is now compatible with NUKE 10.5 and adds powerful new features.

Square Voxel

Our workflow is really straight forward: after our first meeting with the client we create a storyboard in order to have the necessary feedback, we do this roughly 3 times until everyone is satisfied with the camera angle, materials, the mood and - the most important thing - with the feeling we want to depict.


Some of the new features of VRay 3.5 for 3ds Max include ability to add VRayScene object node to import .vrscene files in 3ds Max, NVIDIA MDL support, V-Ray GPU enhancements, and reworked lens effects.

V-Ray for Cinema 4D

V-RayforC4D 3.4 was released in December 2016. It is seamlessly integrated and optimized for both CPUs and GPUs, using whatever an artist picks to deliver high-quality imagery and animation quickly, even when working with complex 3D scenes.