Tag: zbrush

Yuriy Dulich

As media partners of animago Award – an internationally renowned competition for 3D animation and still, visual effects, visualization and VR/AR/360° – we are happy to present you the winner of the Best Still category this year, character artist Yuriy Dulich from Ukraine. In our exclusive interview, we speak about behind the scenes of his winning project, Subarctic Great Horned Owl: look into the depths, and about his approach to CGI visualizations in general.

Best CGI software and tools for 2020

All recent updates for the professional software and tools you need for modeling, texturing, image-based lighting and rendering of your architectural visualization projects.
Alexander Beim / LotusArt on 3D Architettura

Alexander Beim

As media partners of animago Award - an internationally renowned competition for 3D animation and still, visual effects, visualization and VR/AR/360° - we are happy to present you the winner of the Best Still category this year, CG artist Alexander Beim from Germany. In our exclusive interview, we speak about behind the scenes of his winning project, Albert Einstein, and about his approach to computer visualizations and animations in general.

ZBrush 4R8

Pixologic released an updated version of digital sculpting software ZBrush

ZBrushCore by Pixologic

Pixologic announced ZBrushCore, a streamlined version of ZBrush designed for all artists and enthusiasts of both traditional and digital art.


If you ever experienced difficulties with importing and exporting files between ZBrush, Maya and 3DS Max, you would be interested to know about Styx - the script package that makes faster importing-exporting files between the programs.


The key for photorealistic vegetation, besides correct tools, is understanding how it behaves, what it does, what it smells like.


My way to achieve photorealism in lights and materials is always having good references and working strictly based on them.
3D Architettura interviewed Dimitar Ivanov Gongalov: 3d, architecture, design, render, CG. www.3darchitettura.com


What positively surprised me is the appearance of some useful plugins and scripts that are able to make 3d-work easier


The Multi-Tile UV Bake Tool allows you to bake multi-tile texture collections in 3ds Max using common naming conventions such as MARI UDIM, Mudbox or Zbrush.
Vadim Korotkov interviewed for 3darchitettura.com: render, 3d, design, CG, architecture


Show your projects to your friends and colleagues: professional feedback gives motivation to grow and helps to correct the mistakes.
Tiago Sillos Padovani, 3d, architecture, design, 3darchitettura, render

Tiago Sillos Padovani

Always it is extremely difficult to tune adjustment of 3d modeled on real image. I solved it by learning how to deal with a real camera and used it in the virtual world.