Now the most difficult is to create chaos. In real life, for example, you do not find absolutely clean surfaces in architecture - there are water stains on walls, dust, dirt on the borders of asphalt roads and so on.
Every project I start with collecting information: drawings, textures, photos etc. Professional architecture photos help to understand the atmosphere - to play with light and shadow and to create realistic details of the environment.
First of all, passion in what you`re doing, it makes your way easier, study & practice a lot, there are thousands of tutorials in the web that you can do.
I am always frustrated when I finish a work, never really completely satisfied with the final result but I love when great artists look at my work and comment, it feels that somehow I managed to reach their attention.
More difficult the project is, the more interesting it is to make it. The worse design-concept is given by the client, the more challenging is to present it the best way that even the client could not imagine.
It was in the beginning of year 2010. I was still studying in high-school and started to choose my future profession to enter a university. So I have decided for interior design. While collecting more information about this work-field. I found a web-site where it was written that for making interior renders one should learn 3DS Max. That's how my acquaintance with 3d-graphic began.